AAMEN Programme Portal

AAMEN programme is a major initiative by Department of Health, Abu Dhabi to ensure that health care information in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi is secured in-line with Government objectives, and as per the requirements of applicable Laws & Regulations. The programme includes development and enforcement of security and privacy standards, periodic monitoring of their compliance, and carrying out audit & certification assessments.

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AAMEN 2.0- Terms and Conditions

  • I am the Authorized person to access this application being the officially nominated person from the entity or group entities I represent.
  • I declare to be responsible to submit all genuine and correct information and documentation to the Department of Health for any purpose it may serve. 
  • I declare not to misuse any information or documentation issued by the Department of Health.
  • I declare to respect this access and be compliant to the applicable Laws and Regulations in the UAE at all times. 
  • I take responsibility to report any updated or modified information as soon as I am aware of the change status.
  • I have read and understood the above statements, and therefore I Agree.